
For the last few years Coconut Oil, in all its forms and uses, has been all the rage among health enthusiasts. Numerous articles, books and TV programs have been created for the sole purpose, it seems, of educating the consumers on the amazing benefits of this product. There is not a single store where Raw Virgin Coconut Oil, Pure Organic Coconut Oil and the like could not be found in great quantities and from different manufacturers.

And yet, after this targeted campaign of the Coconut Oil manufacturers upon the American consumer, the American Heart Association is now warning that this oil may not be the miracle cure everyone expected it to be. Many controversial articles have been written that either support or deny the AHA’s findings. Of course, many are penned by the “advocates” that are paid directly by the Coconut Oil producers.

As a biochemist, I try to get the facts, not opinions, about each skin care ingredient we use. After all, as Neil deGrasse Tyson so cleverly stated, the good thing about science is it’s true whether you believe it or not. After researching Coconut Oil for a long period of time from skincare view point we have observed the following:


2017 is upon us and although many things can happen in our lives, one thing that is fairly constant is our desire for self-improvement. This is the time we make New Year resolutions to eat better, exercise, meditate, sleep more and so on.

Having myself made plenty of New Year resolutions just to see my resolve fade away around the beginning of February, I am now committed to making only a couple of changes a year instead of massive, numerous improvements.  I have learned my lesson of trying to change too much too soon—I now know that baby steps are needed in order to succeed in anything.


So many people today are concerned with eating organically, trying to find the best and cleanest products, but they don’t give a second thought to the products they use on their skin.

However, it is more important to use only chemical free skin care products because, unlike our digestive tract, it has zero defense against chemicals. Nature did not anticipate that we would be using silicones, glycerin or propylene glycol on our skin, but it did prepare us for ingesting a small number of poisons, or as we call them now, preservatives.

Our skin absorbs almost everything we put on it and the chemicals go directly into our bloodstream, bypassing the stomach where they would be neutralized if they were ingested, and the liver, that also neutralizes harmful agents.
